The Core Values Index Training Platform

The primary learning platform to help you fully discover your innate core values as well as become certified in the Core Values Index. 

What is CVI Platform?

CVI Platform is a training system built specifically to training in the Core Values Index methodology and certifications. It is the primary learning platform to help you go from fully discovering your innate core values to becoming a certified coaching and running a successful business build around the Core Values Index. 


Why the CVI?

The CVI™ was created as an assessment tool that links the motivations of individuals with key responsibilities. This evaluation is different because traditional models produce information derived mainly from the candidate's opinion about himself. The CVI™ goes beyond measuring behavior and personality. It shows your unchanging innate core values or contributions, unique to you, that make you who you are.


Online classes to launch your understanding or business in the Core Values Index.

Learn the Basics


8 Week Course


Comprehensive CVI™ assessment with a Full Extended Report  ($50 US value)

The Core Values Handbook ($20 US value)

Teachings by Dr. Melodye Hilton, Lynn Taylor and Dan Cox

Moderator to guide you in the course

Online 24/7 access to all materials so you can study at your pace and schedule.


Become a Coach


8 Week Course

Help Others Find
Their Place

Intensive training in CVI™

Official accreditation in CVI™ by Taylor Protocols

Free/unlimited Basic CVI™ Evaluations for new clients

Begin utilizing CVI™ in your coaching practice

 2 Live Sessions


Build a Business


12 Week Course

Create Highest Contribution

Intensive training in CVI™

Official accreditation in CVI™ by Taylor Protocols

Free / unlimited Basic CVI™ Evaluations for new clients

Establish stream of passive income with unlimited growth potential

3 Live Sessions

Complete strategic partnership through our VAR program.



Courses include

List of elements included in each course

Weekly Content

Each course takes approximately 2 hours of study per week. It is a flexible study program for professionals and families.

Full Access

Study online from home at your own pace and time. The videos of the teachings are already recorded; therefore, you have access to them 24 hours a day.


You will have access to videos, audios, quizzes, forums, live sessions, downloadable manuals, and much more.


During each course you will have a moderator who will be there to help you in your learning, assist you with any questions you may have and grade your assignments.


Share with other international students in our forums and community spaces! You can learn from other Core Values Index Practitioners and share your testimony.

Live Session

You will be able to participate in live sessions during your course work, as well as ask questions and meet the international student body.

Join the Community!

Thousands have benefited from the insight given by the CVI. It can be used to hire and coach employees. Leaders build better teams, have clearer expectations and add revenue to the bottom line. Executive and Life coaches rely on the CVI as a springboard for understanding their client's motivation for action and sense of personal mission.

Join us in building teams of people naturally working in their highest contributions.


Are you ready to Start?

Start classes TODAY to discover the CVI or get Certified to build your coaching business!

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